Problem with heater lever/cable


New Member
I just bought a 95 Civic LX... When I bought it the climate control/hot-cold slide was on cold... The other morning it was kinda cold out so i wanted to put the heater on and when i went to slide it from cold to hot it was really hard but i managed to get it to hot... Later when it heated up outside i tried to slide it back to cold and it got about 2/3 of the way and wont go anymore... I pushed so hard the slide broke and i was sitting there with the slide knob in my hand... do i have to pull the whole dash out to replace this? Wheres a good place to buy a replacement slide? Any ideas on what would cause it to be so hard to slide and eventually jam up and not go any farther? Thanks for any help!! BTW i looked for previous topics on this but never really saw anything... Thanks...


You may not need to remove the center console. The heater cable attached to lever in the heater control panel runs to the left side of the passenger side floor area. Check the cable linkage there. Now open the hood. The linkage in the cabin connects to the heater valve on the firewall. Check whether you can manually open and close the heater valve easily. Post results and pictures.



The Civic of Civics
i have the same issue in my 94 lx, but mine hasnt broken yet its just really hard to push ron is right, see if the cable is adjustable under the hood first


New Member
5+ Year Member
I know this thread is old but I just wanted to add this tidbit of info for anyone who is having this problem. The same thing happened to me in my old 94 DX. I reattached the cable and lubed that plastic thing with some white lithium grease. The temp selector was nice and easy to slide after that. KEEP IT LUBED.
