problems with suspension


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i just installed some springs on my car, and now when im driving on a bumpy road the right rear tire starts to make some weird noise, it sounds like there some bolt loose or something, but before i lowered my car whenever i would go over a speed bump the back right tire would make a squeaking noise.


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you might have a case of "stock shock" my brother had this problem because his weren't installed correctly... i think they make this lubricant stuff you can put on them so you won't hear it..


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edhgreatone said:
you might have a case of "stock shock" my brother had this problem because his weren't installed correctly... i think they make this lubricant stuff you can put on them so you won't hear it..
do you know where i can get that lubricant stuff????
thanks for the reply


You should be able to find the lubricant at any parts store (Pep Boys, Autozone, etc.) my friend had that problem and he picked up the lubricant at a local parts store for a few bucks.
Good Luck Bro!:thumbs up
