Proper voltage at AC wiring components?


New Member
Hey everyone, still having problems with my A/C, it's a '95 sedan, an EG. I got the most detailed diagram I could and I've checked every component in the wiring.

The problem I'm having is that the compressor clutch relay doesn't seem to be getting ground from the ECU. I'm picking up 12v positive at the pin in the ECU that's supposed to be sending ground to the relay. If I jump that pin to ground, the compressor clutch engages. All the relays are good, the pressure switch is good, it's got the right amount of freon, the thermostat is good, the hot wires at the relays and thermostat are hot when they should be. The pin at the ECU that receives voltage from the heater controls is getting nothing if the switch is off, and all kinds of readings if the switch is on. Because of the erratic readings I'm leaning towards either the heater control unit or the thermostat being bad, as the signal from the heater control passes through the thermostat before getting to the ECU. However, I'm getting the same readings from the switch at the thermostat, which eliminates that, to me.

I guess I'm just looking for advice as to whether I should get a new heater control unit, because I don't want to spring for one unless I'm fairly sure it's the problem. I've already sunk too much money into this as it is :(


New Member
Good luck with it man. Im having issues with my a/c too.
