Proud New Civic Owner


New Member
5+ Year Member
whats good everyone just bought a 2000 civic. shes an ex and a 5spd and has 80000 miles on her. this aint my first civic though i used to have a 2007 SI but it was just too expensive and we had to part ways. ill post pics later just wanted to introduce myself on the forums.


Hatches rock
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
awe why you even do that? no need to tease


New Member
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
don't be proud. haha jk. how much did you pay? and sucks that you had to get rid of the si


Registered VIP
Registered OG
5+ Year Member
DONT EVER make a thread about a car without pics..

But welcome.. The name is DarkCreep.


Registered VIP
Registered OG
5+ Year Member
Welcome to the forums! Post pics as soon as you can. Sucks that you had to get rid of the Si...
