Hey guys im about to be running an NX nercooler sprayer kti and i was gogin to use a purge to get rid of the old stuff in the lines i was wondering if anyone had pics of a purge setup on a civic! im lookign for dual purge!
that setup IS a purge..if you REALLY want a seperate purge.. you just T the nitrous line to another solonoid and vent it wherever you want... but as pointed out there is no real point since all the intercooler spray IS is a purge..92sickw/it said:yea i knwo this im purging for looks really!
ok first off i wouldn't be using NOS for the IC kit instead use CO2 alittle cheaper in my book, second off i have been looking and researching on that kit and the design for it is when you are at a red light or when racing at the start of the track to keep the IC temp down, what i am gonna do and i don't care what everyone else says but once i put my turbo kit on i am gonna engineer 3 pull type fans to pull air through the IC i may also find this to be a waste of time and money but we shall see, also to monitor temp i will be putting a pyro gauge on the intake side of the IC to monitor the tempio_303 said:if your just using an IC sprayer thatn its already venting to the atmosphere, a purge would be a waste of nitrous
If you want to get picky we can, its not NOS, NOS is a brand, the gas is nitrous, but your right it would be CO2, and its cheaper in everyones book, not just yours.tricked_civic said:ok first off i wouldn't be using NOS for the IC kit instead use CO2 alittle cheaper in my book, second off i have been looking and researching on that kit and the design for it is when you are at a red light or when racing at the start of the track to keep the IC temp down, what i am gonna do and i don't care what everyone else says but once i put my turbo kit on i am gonna engineer 3 pull type fans to pull air through the IC i may also find this to be a waste of time and money but we shall see, also to monitor temp i will be putting a pyro gauge on the intake side of the IC to monitor the tempthis is just my 2 cents