Question about installing alternator on 00 civic


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I need to install a alternator on my car tomorrow and the full service manual says to disconnect the hub from the control arm and slide the axle out part way to get the alternator out. Is that really necessary or is there an easier way to do it or has anyone squeezed it out a different way? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Too Much Traction
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A lot of people take out the axle, somehow I got lucky and squeezed it under the intake manifold and took it out from the passenger side.


I had a Civic once.
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It's a PITA, but you can angle it out somehow.. took maybe 15 minutes to get it out, but it is possible.. just tough. Had to remove a few things too, can't remember exactly what they were. Would like to say PS hose was in the way?


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It's so easy. Everyone complain that it is hard it's not. I got it out near the intake mani on drivers side

1.unplug battery and power and ground on alternator
2.unbolt 2 bolts on top. 1 is adjusting bolt. Another is the mount
3.there is another mount bolt under the alternator. It be easier to lift up the car.
4.And you can remove you brake master cylinder to remove the alternator because the axle intake mani etc Is harder to do


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5+ Year Member
Thank you so much for all your help! I squeezed it out between the strut tower and intake manifold.
