question about turbo


New Member
I want to Install a turbo on my hatch and was thinking of doing it my self and saving some money on installation. would it be cheaper to buy the kit all together or buy the turbo kit in parts? how hard is it to install a turbo? any feed back on those ebay turbos?


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hey i was just down in moreno valley...

anywho, im taking it u have no experience with a turbo?

u can piece one together, but if u dont know what u r doing u can really f**k some s**t up..

start with like a full race(brand) kit or somehting like that.

ebay turbo kits are not recommended by a lot of people. i personally havent used one, so i cant tell u, but u wont hear good things for the most part...

be careful about what type of turbo mani u run. upgrade your fuel and remember u get what u pay for...

dont cut corners, and if u dont know what ur doing, dont do it alone...


Hard Core
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alot of people have no problems with ebay turbos if you run an oil restrictor.


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were you from? if your close to pa there is a shop here that does it for $400 $500 tunded and all. And buy a kit you should have a pro do it they can tell you how much boost your engine can handle. Too much boost is a easy mistake and a very expensive one to repair.


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i say do alot of research before you start buying parts
once you have the knowledge, you'll be able to find cheaper parts because you'll know what your looking for and will know what is needed and not needed so you dont waste money


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I did my own turbo install and I knew nothing about installing them lol. It went on without a hitch and the only part I had to have a shop do was a custom down pipe and the welding of the oil pan.

I have an eBay kit and its been running fine iwth no problems (knock on wood). You CAN go cheap on the kit, but DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT go cheap on the tune. Get an OBD1 ECU, the conversion harness and get it a legitimate tune ASAP.


New Member
It all depends on what you want how much money you have and if your car knowledgable a basic turbo kit is simple with the right tools but if you only have a few rachet sets you could be in trouble! but ebay turbos are interesting some are great and some arent but if you want reliable performance i'd get a real turbo =)


Stickin it to the Man
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i say do alot of research before you start buying parts
once you have the knowledge, you'll be able to find cheaper parts because you'll know what your looking for and will know what is needed and not needed so you dont waste money
this is what i would do. also turbo installs are very easy.
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