Question about water cool turbo..


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Ok i gota Airesearch t3/t4 turbo and i notice that it is water and oil cool. I really don't want to mess with the coolent line, here is my question..can i not run that coolent line?????or is it a must. if so anyone know how to run the coolent line.. It is for a B18b motor.


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it isn't water and oil cooled, it is water cooled and oil lubricated. the oil may provide a little cooling, but its main purpose is to lubricate the spinning parts. you have to run the coolant lines if you don't want to literally cook your turbo.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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you dont have to run it....but since the turbo comes with the feature you man as well run it only takes like 5 mins to run the lines....


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the turbocharger is designed to use the oil for lubrication and the coolant for cooling. of course oil can cool it down as well, hence many turbos dont have coolant lines. ones that have coolant lines are designed to hold less oil though as the coolant will do the job of cooling it off.
