Question on where to place some gauges


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I have an apexi afc,and 2 gauges,and i do not know where to locate these things in my car.I already have the gauge bezel w/2 gauges in it,and i am not buying that 3 gauge holder thing for the side,i just dont like it.My afc is just laying in my little center console(i bought it used and dont even have a stand for it).I was just wandering if anyone has any ideas of what i could do or where i could put these things,mainly out of the way so ppl dont see it.Any help is greatly apperciated thank you.Jesse


professional a*****e
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yeah, then you cant read any of the s**t, and if you leave it open you need to totally look to the right side of the car. yeah good spot for it!! id say get the autometer guage cups and mount them on the dash on either side of your guage cluster....


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get it custom mounted down by your cup holders in that little looks good there..the AFC i mean..


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I say put it to the left of the guage cluter right beside the window pillar... only if you have an insane alarm tho


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I have 2 in my cluster, near my Si Cluster, Ebay sells a mount it cost me like 40 bucks and mount the VFAC in your glove, thives will bust ur window to brake in and gat that s**t


Runnin to Redline
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I would mount the VAFC in the spot right above the up holder, as for the other guages...good luck..if you have the money and want to lose the passenger airbag I have seen guages mounted in the passenger air bag whole, its flips up, looks good and you could flip it down into the dash when you park you car so theives wouldnt even know they are there....good luck


Dont make me reload!
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Hehe, you have the same dilema i have. Except i dont have the VAFC, but i would say this. Do a custom install for the VAFC in the spot above the cupholder. Then for he 2 gauges, i would or a dual gauge pod from Autometer (this is what im gonna do) and the to alittle more custom work and mount that s**t on the side of the spot above the cup holders. Im gonna take and cut that little dual pod up till it fits nicely at an angle and mount them there. Out of the way, clean look, noone sees them when you on the road and automatically assumes you have a bad ass car. Its all about looks stock with a crazy ass motor under the hood, believe in the sleeper!!!


professional a*****e
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the best thing to do is put them near your line of sight of the road. you dont want to be looking down at your cup holders to read some guages (like boost or oil pressure, which can be vital at times) you want to keep your eyes on the road and veer away from the road as little as possible. the vafc, you dont need to read it all the time once its set. but wait OMG!! where you gonna put your timer and boost controller!!!! OOOOOHHH NOOO (yes im mocking)


Dont make me reload!
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Sean is right, any important gauges, i would keep up high with your site for quick referance. Other gauges such as volts, or water temp since you have a stock dummy one, or even maybe a A/F gauge, you could get away with putting lower.
