questions about turbooooooooos


New Member
i have a d16z6 abd i would like to go faster i seem to always lose a race and its not something im use to i wont to turbo it and get what not i ask you guy who know more and have more experience than me. I hear that if you buy a turbo and bolt it all on you will screw up your motor and then i hear that you need to do get more parts that don't come with the kit so if what im asking is can someone explain what i will need and if i need to build my motor up more and if they know a good kit that wont let me down your advice would be appreciated.


is real and not fake!
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Find a local garage with a dyno and ask them what you need after you pick out a turbo kit. They will school you. I advise against forum advice. It turns into a mess fast order.


New Member

would doing a B swap be more or less expensive i figured it would be more than a turbo and would i get the more or less hp out of the b swap or the turbo i think turbo let me know


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if you build up your bottom end and all thatgood stuff get a good tune after the turbo your looking around 3k (thats my research since im going that route too) a swap you looking at 2500 for a GSR motor (give or take) and if you do it yourself that saves a lot of money but if you cant your looking at a lot more for a complete swap at a shop building my bottom end and everything looking to get 300whp on it a stock gsr has around 200 if that


I had a Civic once.
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You seem like you're not sure what you want, you just want power. Well, what are your power goals, first. If you're just looking for a little kick a GSR swap would suit well. If you're looking for a little more, you could always turbo the z6. Of course, turbo will be more expensive (if you do it right).


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Well if money did matter then you could turbo and get a great tune plus a few supporting mods and low boost and you'd be fine to a certain point. But after a considerable amount of boost you will need to have your motor built up. But thats with any motor you turbo. so be it a B or d series. Just remember that part.


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i think u need to learn how to use punctuation so i can understand what u r trying to say, and then i will be able to help u out!


is real and not fake!
5+ Year Member
I heard the Z6 head has the best airflow and they do not even need a port and polish. That is always a plus.
