Questions on trubo my d16.


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Im thinking about getting edelbrock turbo kit, boost controller, upgraded spark plugs, and exhaust. But is there anything else i should get for my car which im about to turbo?


addicted to Boost
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injectors, fuel pump, clutch, wires... search my friend


Ex-Gang Member
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what does the kit come with?

and you can't forget about the tune.

00 Coupe EK3

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Some people may say you dont need it but id suggest a better head gasket say like one from Cometic and arp rod bolts and head studs


Your mom has vtec
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Depends on how much boost you plan on running, and the motor. On a d esries you can run 6-8 lbs stock, on a b series you can run 8-10 lbs. Anything over 8 lbs i would get some injectors, dsm injectors would work fine. You only need to start upgrading other if you plan on runnin over 10 lbs


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lol i plan on doin the same to my z6, after searching, you realize its a short list:
first get a compression and leak down test. then add a cosmetic head gasket, arp head studs and bolts, t25 turbo @ 8 psi, blow off valve, front mount inter cooler,IC piping, bigger fuel pump, 370cc-450cc fuel injectors, upgraded air intake, a programmable or chipped ecu, 2.5" downpipe and better exhaust, steel oil lines, tap you oil pan, get a really really good tune, dyno if possible, find religion and pray that you dont blow your s**t. at least this is my list.


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Injectors if the kit doesn't come with it, hondata s300 is nice, or a socketed ecu tuned on ectune, neptune, maybe crome pro. I think the edelbrock kit might come with some sort of engine management though.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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Depends on how much boost you plan on running, and the motor. On a d esries you can run 6-8 lbs stock, on a b series you can run 8-10 lbs. Anything over 8 lbs i would get some injectors, dsm injectors would work fine. You only need to start upgrading other if you plan on runnin over 10 lbs
wow....word of advise....dont go by psi....

stock d series rods can handle around depending on what turbo, it can be between 6-14psi.....

on a b series motor....stock rods can handle around 300whp....which again depending on the turbo can be around 8-18psi....


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damn 200 whp? is that pushing it or is that in the safety regions? i know it all depends on the tune but im just wondering

s_crowley 17

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there are plenty of single cams out there that are pushing 250 or at that point.. stock

200 is a good tune for a single cam..


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damn not bad, man i cant lie, before you are completly sure your going to turbo you car, do as much research as you can, because even with a kit, you still need other parts, well apparently...


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its even harder for me, i gotta find a pro rebuild kit for my tranny cause im going boostin on my auto tranny
