Radiator Question


***** of the VTEC-e
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My friend has a 93 civic coupe and it has a stock radiator that we took out cause we are rebuilding the whole front end. It was hit by a ford tourus. I would like to know if we could take out the ac and get a bigger radator from like a v6 accord or something bigger then stock civic radiator. Also would a CTR radiator fit a 93 civic cause we might be getting a v6 accord radiator or a CTR radiator.


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an integra radiator will fit with some custom mounts (read zip ties). the dual core radiator from a del sol vtec will bolt right in, or you can get one of many aftermarket alumnium radiatirs.


***** of the VTEC-e
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bump need more help

Bangin' HB

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im running a dual core at the moment, direct swap from the stock rad and not much bigger, so no worry about clearence.
