Realistic MPG?


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Don't know about the engine but the price looks way to high to me. I wouldn't pay more than $1000 for one even in good condition. It's an 88 ffs.


New Member
That's a clean CRX but the price tag is a little high. I'd pay around 1,800 assuming it doesn't have a billion miles on it


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Considering you're in southern california where gas pumps are your worst nightmare, if it's in great condition functionally and has a decent amount of miles, i'd pay $2000 for that max. and no you won't get 50 miles per gallon out of a car made in 1988 more realistically like 35 on average with city and freeway driving around fontana. I bought my 99 civic dx in october for $1900. 11 years newer and $500 cheaper. i'd hold out for a better deal.
