REALLY annoying p0505 code


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I cleaned my IACV about a month to 2 months ago. That's when it all started. I've tried unplugging the connector with the car running, plugging it back in, resetting the code. I don't have any vacuum leaks. I'll go a week without getting the code, then it magically appears out of no where. I understand the IACV helps compensate for fluctuating idle (including vacuum leaks) but I don't understand where I would have a vacuum leak. I removed cruise control and I JUST checked the nipple on the back of the IM and it's still covered.

This is driving me crazy...


Just hand me the wrench.
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Check out these pages from the Helms manual. Does following the troubleshooting flowchart reveal anything?



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Okay thought I'd update...

For the past 2 days, my car has been completely fine, even with the CEL still on. It idles fine and drives fine. Finally today, I opened my hood with the car warmed up and engine running, I unplugged the IACV plug. Nothing changed. Idle remained the same. I plugged it back in, and the car started revving up and down really fast between like 1300 and 1500rpm. I unplugged it, it stopped, idled down to around 800-1000 and was fine.

Now what? lol.


Just hand me the wrench.
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Call the priest.


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I don't have the number. Do you have it?


Just hand me the wrench.
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One of the last steps in the troubleshooting flowchart suggests if you unplug the sensor and experience no change in engine speed, then you need to replace the IAT. Since the engine speed didn't change when you unplugged the sensor, I'd say that's a good place to look into.


New Member
im having this same problem, idk what it is. when the CEL is on the car runs HORRIBLE its almost as if it is being extremely responsive but very laggy. and non responsive. iv tried everything, cleaning my TB out and cleaning my IACV itself...still nothing, ran my car, unplugged my MAP sensor it ran funny plugged it back in went back to the normal effed up stage, and then took out the plug to the IACV idk wht to do. other than replacing the valve itself but i dont have 180 bucks. any suggestions?


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Damn I gotta get to a junkyard...


New Member
if u guys cleaned everthing out, all the sensors are plugged in no open vaccuum lines i think we have to replace the iac valve. thats what my honda technician said anyways. gettin mine friday ill let u know how it goes
