Rebuilt B16 A3 and (Trashed Head)


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5+ Year Member
I recently finally got my motor finished for the 2000 Si Coupe except one issue...turned it over 2 times and it seems like the pistons are hitting the head. I bought brand new pistons for that motor and everything required for a complete rebuild. It thrashed the head on the bottom side. No damage was done to the pistons after tearing it apart. No scuffs or Marks, but the head is completely thrashed. One question I do have is if your CAMS are scored up can that cause an issue of vibration and what not to ruin the head? And two I had everything replaced and reset for internals and its smacking the head of the motor. I bought ITM Pistons for OEM replacement purpose. THe head was not rebuilt due to it was checked and it was okay. But theres a ring going out each of the cylinder holes the size of the piston. What could have gone wrong. I cant see what would cuase these pistons to do this. Considering these are spec'd pistons for the rebuild. if I had the blocked work done..aka honed/bored and planned. Could the fact that I didnt do that to head cause the pistons to hit the head? It builds up oil pressure and dont burn it just smacks the internals, and the ring groove is all around the under side of the head.

charlie brown

Registered VIP

1 was the motor properly in time, but this would have only hit you're valves
2 when you changed internals, did you replace rods and get the same length

thats all i can think of that would cause a piston to contact the head it's self. cylinder boring and honing would have nothing to do with the hight of you're engines stroke. if you had the block and head decked this may have caused it, but im sure they would have told you that you would have to run a thicker head gasket or get a shorter stroke rod . i hope. g.l
