red guages


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hey i want to keep my guage face, but i want my s**t to light up red. i have been told that all you have to do is change out a bulb or two.. can any one tell my how to get the guages and dash lights red or orange instead of white??

Bangin' HB

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you could get an sir cluster which lights amber and has amber needles as well. or you could buy the red bulbs like you were told, or you can remove the blue condoms on the bulbs and dip them in red transparent paint. lot o' options.


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Snackz said:
hey i want to keep my guage face, but i want my s**t to light up red. i have been told that all you have to do is change out a bulb or two.. can any one tell my how to get the guages and dash lights red or orange instead of white??
u gotta let me know how to do that as soon as u find out how its done.....thanks!!!!!!!

Rick James

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why dont u search n00b. there was a thread on this from yesterday

$lick Rick

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eminemslm0 said:
why dont u search n00b. there was a thread on this from yesterday
haha :werd: the other thread also has the honda part # for the bulbs


on your right shoulder
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it's actually pretty east.
1. remove the concole by removing the 2 screws above the guages and the 1 screw behing the hazard light button.
2. remove the 4 screws that mount the guage housing.
3. lower yuor steering wheel, unplug the guages, and remove it from the car.
4. on the back of the assembly, on the section with thte shift indicator, you will see a device that is screwed down. it is white plastic and kind of sticks out. it's very obvious.
5. there are i think 2 screws that hold it in place. when you remove it, you will see that it houses the light for the shift indicator.
next check the voltage to the lights with a VOM and then find replacement bulbs. if you use LEDs, you may also need to use resistors to get it right.

here is a link to an LED calculator.

and here is a resistor reference from a friend's website.


on your right shoulder
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my new project is to totally change the panel on the auto shifter that lights up. i htink i'm going to build one with different light for each gear and a different font too.
