Replacing third brake like case


New Member
Replacing third brake light case

I'm having problem placing the third brake light in my 92 civic sedan. I had to remove it because the lens was cracked and now I'm having a real hard time putting the third brake light in. Thanks for the help.


Team Exile/ADO Garage
Registered VIP
What do you mean exactly by hard time?

To remove the plug, twist it, then pull.
For the bulb: push it into the plug, then twist.
Reverse for installation.

Hope this helps. But if not, take a pic to show us exactly what is happening. That would help us help you.


New Member

^^not mines but i had to replace that whole case with a new one because the lens cracked now im having a hard time putting it in place. seems like the rear window is in the way or i have to take down the trunk exterior or something i dont really know.


Team Exile/ADO Garage
Registered VIP
Flip the light over. There should be 2 nuts and 2 screws.
Take the 2 Screws out. This will separate the top cover from the base.
Install the base with the 2 nuts.
Once that is on, slip on the cover on and put in the screws from the trunk.

Does that help?

New Vega

You have to install the light with the tray in a 4door. set it in the hole of the trey then install the tray and move the light till it fits into the screw slots.
