I am curious to see if any of you other guys have the same issue I am having. I have a 2000 Civic EX cpe that is totally stock other than aftermarket wheels. I have had it for two years now and it seems like there is alot of hatred for people who drive cars like ours. I have people deliberately pull out in front of me, tailgate me, cut me off, try to race me and just drive complete asses around me. I am 40 years old and try to drive as courteous and sensible as possible. I also have my 9 year old son with me alot of the time and it really pisses me off when people do this stupid s**t when he is in the car. Yeah I know Ohio has some of the worst drivers but I dont notice this being such an issue when I am in my F150. So I am curious if any you others in the Civic crowd have this issue?