RPM Gauge


New Member
Hey Guys

Bought a 1994 EG8 today, but i notice that the meter board doesnt have a RPM gauge , I have seen EG8's with the RPM gauge , can i change the meter board to a one with RPM gauge ??

thanks in advance


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5+ Year Member
Yes you can change the gauge cluster to one that has an RPM gauge, but make sure that the gauge cluster is from another 5th Gen.


New Member
year of manufacture is 93 sorry not 94,
is there a big difference in these two ? i thought of putting up a separate tachometer without changing the whole cluster as its expensive and unable to find a brand new one , it is possible ?


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5+ Year Member
Same thing 93 is still 5th Gen, it's simpler to find a cluster since its just plug and play and its easy to remove. You can find them at the junkyard or craigslist.


New Member
Registered VIP
just go to a junkyard or look around online for a different cluster with rpm gauge, it's pretty easy to find.

i like to think about it like this, a possible mod, and while you're at it you can do other mods!
if you change the cluster out, since it's already out, it would be easy to do the following:
1. convert to LED bulbs/replace any burnt out bulbs
2. cluster bezel overlay
3. paint the needles
4. you could possibly even get an alarm installed in the space around cluster if the brain is small enough (aka Stealth install) and i guess if you can find a mobile installer


New Member
Hey guys

thanks for your replies , will go for a search and find a cluster with RPM gauge if not I can for a tachometer,
it's bloody hard to drive without a RPM for me
