Running only 3psi, what gives??


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I know Im probably going to get s**t for this but there are alot of knowledgeable people on here and I am just seeking some help here.

So I just put on a new 50 trim Garrett turbo onto my JDM GSR (B18C) and now my boost gauge only shows 3 psi and full throttle and man, does it take a long time to get to that 3psi. I initially had a normal ebay 50trim on it and it worked just fine but I wanted to go more "legit".

- Checked all intercooler pipes and no bursts or broken welds or cut couplers.
- Thought it might be the bov so we blocked that off and still dont gain PSI.
- Took off the TIAL WG and the spring isnt stuck open.
- Tried to pressurize the intake side and didnt hear any leaks, also inspected all vacuum hoses and dont see any rips or tears.

Honestly I think I am just clueless here, does this sound like my buddy sold me a s**t Garreet? But I keep thinking if that was the case I would leak oil or the turbo would smoke alot... PLEASE HELP!


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how do you have your vacuum hoses routed? what psi spring do you have in your wastegate?


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how do you have your vacuum hoses routed? what psi spring do you have in your wastegate?
Well as far as how its routed... not 100% sure on that becuase my tuner hooked them up that way, he is LJ from Full Blown, up here in MN. But as far as my spring goes, I want to say its a 30lb spring. I havent had a single problem with the way its routed though for the past 3 years its ran with the other turbo.


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is there shaft play on the turbo? do the vacuum lines route look like it was with your old turbo?


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curious, at 3 psi do you hear the turbo at all? could be a boost leak some how, another thing you can test, which this is moreless if your internally wastegated, tighten up your actuator and see if that helps any, in my experience you want the wastegate to be snug and not able to open so easy because there will be exhaust pressure forcing it open when you get going

got traction

i rock the sohc
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datalog and see what the map sensor is seeing for boost pressure


RHD is where its at
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What do u have for boost control?

Sent from my Butthole using Fart power!


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Im running the same setup as my old turbo, vacuum wise except this time instead of running my vacuum off the intake manifold to my wastegate, I am running a line from turbo directly to my wastegate with the intake vacuum blocked off. Also becuase of this is happening I am not running a boost controller right now.

Also you can hear the turbo spool, almost as much as it would if it I was running full boost

BioHazard the Reaper

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where is the pickup for the boost guage located? is it internally or externally gated? have you tried bypassing the intercooler? do you have appropriate oil pressure at turbo?
