Shift boot


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Is there any way that i can install a manual shift boot on a 99 civic coupe with an automatic so that it looks like a manual? :roll:


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lol dare I ask why you want to do that?

I HAVE seen automatics with shift boots, I'm not sure how they ended up doing it though.



flat black rat
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yeah you can. i did it to mine it looks alot cleaner. you can also get a knob that looks like a manual. got both off ebay pretty cheap. the knob just has a spring in it and you push it down instead of pushing the button. it sounds kinda faggy but it looks better than the BS stock shifter


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Yeah a guy I know had that setup.. Hopefully someone with that type of modification can assist you.



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lol, that does sound kinda fruity....but at the same time..I am sure it would look better... I wouldnt do it.. just my opinion. I hope you have luck in finding help though.
