After obtaining a print out of the automatic shift details, I answered and corrected my own problem. For anyone who may encounter the same problem here is the answer. After removal of the set screws, the push button and spring will pop out. Lift off the knob. You will see a round steel tube about 5/8" in diameter, inside of which fits a white nylon bushing that slides over the steel shift rod. The steel shift rod, which can be pushed up/down, has the top angled maybe 45 degrees. That angle MUST be towards the left (driver side). Unknown to me was that rectangular angled portion is threaded and screwed to the round shift rod further do the tube. If it is not in that configuration, the rod top can be turned toward the left so the angle is correctly toward the driver side. Now the knob and the push button will slide on, function correctly. Suggest a little locktite on the set screws for safety.