shock absorbers


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just a quick question i need to replace my front & rear shocks for my 99 ex, has anyone heard of KYB or ZEON brands? both are japan replacement shocks.... also i read that if i put washers on the bolts of my hood my temp will improve? can please post picture on how exactly i should do this?


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just a quick question i need to replace my front & rear shocks for my 99 ex, has anyone heard of KYB or ZEON brands? both are japan replacement shocks.... also i read that if i put washers on the bolts of my hood my temp will improve? can please post picture on how exactly i should do this?
I'm moving this thread because it's in the wrong location.

As for the hood, it's called a "raised hood" and it's been covered many times, it doesn't really do s**t. You can use the site's search feature which works well to search this. ;)


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KYB has like two common types of shocks: GR-2 and AGX. The former is more like a stock replacement and the latter gives you adjustability on stiffness. The raised hoods look terrible, BTW.
