Shooting Range


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Well lately I've been wanting to go to a shooting range for the first time in my life lol. After finally going today I had so much fun. It was my first time shooting and I did pretty well they started me off with a .22 revolver and I stepped up after a while to a SIG Sauer p229. After shooting that gun I fell in love with it! I have yet to try any other pistol yet but I've been wanting to try the beretta as well as the Glock 17.

Some shots I took with my thunderbolt lol

After a while I got the hang of the recoil and I think I did good

I dont remember the range but it wasn't close at all

Anyone here like going to the shooting range? If so whats your gun of choice?


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The range you went to is called Ready Aim Fire. We have a gun thread in off topic, and one in VIP. I have never fired a Sig, but they do have a pretty decent following. Glocks are a totally different animal, you either like it or you don't. I personally don't. However, the Glock 17 will be the best model for you to start out on, as 9mm is pretty easy to handle, and the full size Glocks tend to be easier to shoot. The Beretta 92 series pistols are great too. I have a Ruger SR9 that I use for USPSA, which is a great competition. My rifle of choice is my Saiga 7.62 that I converted. You can find pictures of it in the VIP lounge. Two days ago I picked up a Trijicon reflex sight for it, and will be ordering the mount tonight.

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You just need 74 more posts to get in. I know because you live in PA, and I've shot there before. They have a decent selection and decent prices for renting, but I'm not fond of the crowd they attract when they get busy. I only shoot there when I want to rent a couple guns, which isn't that often, they don't maintain their guns too well. They also stopped carrying the S&W 500, gayyyyy.


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glocks are garbage, i HATE glocks, springfield armory is where its at. i love mine


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I have fired both XD's and Glocks. I would much rather take a Glock than an XD for one reason....I think that you get a much higher quality weapon for the price paid with a Glock.


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You guys have any tips for shooting higher caliber weapons? The sig I shot felt perfect for me but then again I have yet to try another pistol out. I really dont feel comfortable trying the .45 since I just started and I feel at ease with the 9mm. But are there any tips to over come that feeling?


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Just shoot it and don't psych yourself out. A .45 can have some kick on it, but after you get past the first shot it's a piece of cake.


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One thing you need to remember is that it's not just the caliber, it's the size of the gun that matters. 9mm out of an LC9 (pocket pistol, polymer frame) will actually hurt your hand more than a .45 out of a 1911 (full size, steel gun). My suggestion would be to stick with the 9mm for now, and try to get the basics down. Don't let size intimidate you though. The first time I went shooting, I shot the S&W 500. The case itself is twice as tall as a .45acp, and (obviously) .05" wider. Was it pleasant to shoot? No. But I'm glad I shot it, it was fun. Try your hand at a 1911 and see how you like it. If you can handle it, move down to a polymer .45.


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Ive been hearing alot that the 1911 is a great gun overall I might have to try that next time I go which will probably be tomorrow or wednesday. I've also been wanting to try that AR-15 at the range as well lol I had no idea you can convert it to shoot 9mm. I guess that's so your able to shoot it at the range? Not only that but the ammo must be really expensive if shooting the stock ammo.


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The 1911 is a good gun, for a range gun. If you're looking to carry or a home defense gun, there are other .45's that I would choose (The XD isn't one of them :lol:). It's certainly worth trying out. When I'm done building the base of my collection, I plan to get myself a nice 1911. The AR they have there is a 9mm AR, just like you said. Ready Aim Fire has a backstop, it can't even handle .223/5.56. I don't think that it's worth the $25 + ammo to try out their 9mm AR. Do you just want to go to the range, or are you looking for a carry/HD gun?


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Right now I can only go to the range since I'm 19 turning 20 this year but next year I plan on carrying but that all depends If i choose to go to the army in the next couple of months
