Si top speed


long gearing owns me.
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I'm reading my manual, and it says the top speeds. The CX is 102, VX is 111, DX is 92, and the Si is....88??? Something smells fishy. It says 88 in the 3rd gear column (fastest speed in that gear w/o redlining) and in the 4th and 5th column it says top speed. Do they mean that after 88, 4th gear goes to the top speed, or that 88 is the top speed?

Bangin' HB

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from my understanding the listed speeds are for redline in that gear. when they say top speed, its b/c it cant redline in that gear b/c it would be drag limited, so there is no exact top speed for the gear b/c it would depend on condidtions.


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Originally posted by Bangin' HB
from my understanding the listed speeds are for redline in that gear. when they say top speed, its b/c it cant redline in that gear b/c it would be drag limited, so there is no exact top speed for the gear b/c it would depend on condidtions.
thats pretty shitty ... ive redlined my 4th gen sedan in 4th and come close to it in 5th (going 125 mph)


boost fiend
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i ono man. my dx runs 7 grand and hits 30 in first, jsut under 60 in second and jsut under 90 in third

Bangin' HB

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like i said, just a guess. i dont see any other reason they wouldnt post the speed


CCHB Member #67
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my friends Dx hatch goes 100kph in 2nd???
and my cousin has had his si hatch past 220 kph and it coudl go more, he just htoguth it was pointless and he stopped

Bangin' HB

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my only other exlplanation is b/c it would reach the governor in the next gears(120mph i think), so it really would be the top speed for that gear.


92 4doorSleeper
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The Si has A shorter gear ratio for acceleration so that is why the final gear is short comaped to the more econmic trims such as Vx VTEC-E which has the longest gear ratio

Mr. Lin

Admiral Ackbar
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I can't get my civic up past 115 ... How long does it take the rest of you to get up to 120?


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i had a civic esi sedan and i got it up to 225km/h on a straight road not going downhill (went up to 235-240 downhill)


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dude i have a f**ken 93 honda civic....and when i bought it the key tag shows its a damn cx so i was kinda pissed off but....inn the specs on this page it shows my engine code in would u say i have a 93 honda civic dx?????who confused.......and is there such thing as a civic being 1.3l


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My brochure says the EG5 (EH3) will hit 121 mph (manual) and 119 mph (auto). I've been clocked by the SCTA at 134mph (GUDE motor).
But here's a better question: what's your top mileage / speed.
Mine: 46.7 mpg @ 85mph Utah - Nevada.
It's rated at 37.7 mpg @ 75 mph and 47.9 @ 56 mph.
Who can beat that.
PS: the motor is original w/ 211,000 miles :P
