Silicone hoses


New Member
5+ Year Member
Well i tried searching and didnt really find anything useful. I was looking on ebay and ran across a silicone rad and heater hose set. its ideal for me jus pulled the motor and had to cut most the really old hoses off. does anyone know if theres any advantage other than to briten up the bay? do they insulate the heat better or am i just better off buy a few feet of hose from auto zone for half the price?


New Member
quality rad hoses definetly insulate the heat better and arent nearly as hard on the cooling system from top to bottom...and in turn your engine simply becasue they are made of silicon. However, the cheap ebay style hoses i cannot vouch for. Companies like skunk2, samco, obx, mishimoto etc are all top of the line...some more than others.
if you purchase some id go with samco, mishimoto or skunk2. hope that helps. i also believe import tuner did a test on hoses, low temp thermostats and the like so look into that. Anyway you look at it better quality cooling = longevity.
hope that helps


Product Manufacturer
5+ Year Member
OP, let me know if you have any questions regarding our products. I believe the site store here has our Mishimoto hoses available for your vehicle.
