skunk2 intake maniold on a 96gsr


New Member
Hello Guys
I have a 94 ej ex with a swapped 96 JDM GSR. I installed a skunk2 intake manifold but now it is over heating. I am almost positive it is becuase of a hose not being connect right. If someone could please help me it would be really appreciated. Pictures would also be great!


captin sleep0
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i do not think that is your problem. have you checked your cooling system?


New Member
Thanks for the response guys but i followed this DIY and i got stuck. I am pretty sure everything is connected right. The ones i have questions about is where do i connect the hose that comes from under the distrubor, and if the TB is connected to the new small inlet on the intake mainfold. If you guys could please help.


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Are you using the oem gsr TB or a skunk2 TB? The skunk2 eliminates a coolant line thats why I'm asking.


RHD is where its at
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Post some pics so we can help u better...


Registered VIP
Thanks for the response guys but i followed this DIY and i got stuck. I am pretty sure everything is connected right. The ones i have questions about is where do i connect the hose that comes from under the distrubor, and if the TB is connected to the new small inlet on the intake mainfold. If you guys could please help.
Take a pic of this so we know what you are talking about.


New Member
Is there someone that can tell me when do i plug the hose coming from under the distributor too?
Please i would like to get my car on the road asap


captin sleep0
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i believe the hose under the distributor is for the heater core, and that would explain your issue. you may have a bad head gasket and have an over heated motor. buy a test kit and it will tell you right away if your motor needs some help.


Registered VIP
The heater hose is much bigger diameter than the hose that goes to the TB. I think I am confused as to which hose the OP is talking about. There is a small hose which goes from the back of the head to the TB, I think that may be the one OP is talking about, PICS would help...


captin sleep0
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but he said under the distributor right? if there are no codes, and your motor is overheating, and you have done a system bleed, you need to see if you have a blown head gasket like i said. get a test kit and go from there.


Registered VIP
but he said under the distributor right? if there are no codes, and your motor is overheating, and you have done a system bleed, you need to see if you have a blown head gasket like i said. get a test kit and go from there.
Ya thats what I was saying. The only hose under the dizzy is the heater hose. But he wouldn't have taken that off to replace the IM.
