Slight overheating


New Member
So this problem just started today, I drove for about 15-20 minutes and I noticed my rpms were higher then normal, I figured it was just random but then I noticed my temp gauge was closer to hot and getting hotter then usual. It never really creeps up beyond the 1/4 line. It is a fairly new thermostat, BUT my heat has also been getting a lot colder lately. Yes, colder, it used to blow decently hot now it blows hot for about 2 seconds then goes to normal temp air, and maybe a little hotter then that sometimes. Does this sound like a crappy thermostat or what?


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Does the temp gauge go down when u have the heater on?


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I don't know, I dont think so, and now im letting it cool down so I can change the thermostat. Ill post back tomorrow with info if the thermostat helped.


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If your car is overheating, you can turn on the heater to keep temperature down by circulating fluid.

Doesnt seem like fluid is circulating. Change thermostat and that should fix it!


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of course, if he's low on flued, it could cause the overheating, and by turning on the heater will cause the fluid level in the block to get even lower. Check your fluid level and your radiator cap first


New Member
I changed the thermostat and topped off the coolant and it seems to be fine. Ill know for sure tomorrow when I get driving distances. Too bad my heat still never really blew to hot to begin with though.


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I changed the thermostat and topped off the coolant and it seems to be fine. Ill know for sure tomorrow when I get driving distances. Too bad my heat still never really blew to hot to begin with though.
Thats probably something else entirely...


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as far as the heat, with topped off (and bled) fluid, should see an improvement in the heater function. IF not, check to see if the heater control (aka temp slider) is actually opening the valve in the heater lines. possible the valve's not opening all the way, or that someone may have "looped" the heater lines?


New Member
It is a swapped engine but the lines look correct and I had to reconnect the switch lines under the glove box so they both slide both controls and whatnot, but I feel like im smelling antifreeze inside my car, isn't that a sign of the core going out?


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yeah, that's not good. I hope it's not the core. Never replaced one myself, but looks like it might be a b***h to get to


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The most common problem I've had with these cars over the last 11 years as they age, the stock fan doesn't always turn on and nor does it stay on long enough to regulate the temps. I've had to rig the fan to always stay on whenever the car is running.
