slow take off


New Member
yoo what up guys so my friend recently got a turbo civic it was running good and all untill he blew the tranny on his y8 dnt knw how.. so he replaced it but the car dose not run the same it takes off real slow and the turbo really dose not kick in untill high rpms any ideas on what it can be?


Too Much Traction
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Air Leak?


New Member
Yea we thought so to but we dint find any u think he shld re dyno tunne it the only thing is that it has a lot of miles around 180


Ex-Gang Member
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10+ Year Member
he should have dyno tuned it from the beginning... but it does sound like an exhaust/air leak. How does the boost gauge read when he takes off? Is it building boost right off?
