Small engine build question?


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i currently have a stock turbo d16y8 boosting 5-6 psi and want to bump up the boost to around 10-13 psi. what internal engine upgrades will i need to do to ensure i dont blow it up?

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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arp headstuds and a new headgasket....

rods and pistons if you wanna feel real safe.....


New Member
5+ Year Member
so just a new head gasket and studs is all that is really needed?


New Member
5+ Year Member
right now i have a .42..48 cheap ebay turbo that is starting to get pretty shitty so ima be buying a new turbo soon. there are 2 that im looking at now. both are garrett. one is a .42..48. and one is .48/.60. which is better for my set up. what differences are in the 2 ?
