Smaller turbo problems


ok, so im wanting to put a t28 turbo in my car replacing the t3/t4 because i want my car to spool quicker.
problem i have is that im told that my down pipe will move down closer to the ground more than it is with the ram horn manifold i have on. is there anything i can do to have this not happen without replacing the manifold?...thanks


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If you are are just worried about dp clearance, then you will probably have to get a custom dp, since the flange will be different anyway, right? Correct me if I'm wrong.


yeah thats what i was thinking but when i look at it i cant raise the DP anymore because the oil pan is right there and i really dont want to buy a new manifold..


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you can still keep the t3t4..just get a .48 exhaust side..on my LS with t3t4 60/48 i started spooling at around 2500 and died off at 6800 which was about where redline was anyway..what motor do you have?


i have the 1.5 d15..i need a new turbo and its cheaper to get a new t28 than a t3/t4 and it spools quicker on its own instead of having to replace anything on it;

got traction

i rock the sohc
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baby d**k turbo.

either way, changing to the t28 is going to require you to re-work the downpipe.


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I say it's too much work just to downgrade. You'll have to use an adapter plate from manifold to turbo. New downpipe. And a new tune. Your looking to spend about 2-300. Might as well get retuned to spool quicker if that's what you want.
