Snow / Rust experience questions


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Im considering purchasing a 1st gen Scion xB, manual, runs well, 138k, overall respectable condition. Being from Miami. FL my entire life, I have no experience with snow or salt deposits and their effects on a car. Im likely moving to KY soon, so I'll be exposed to some snow anyways. My questions are as follows:

- Is moderate rust on the chassis normal & easily repairable/sealable?
- What engine parts should I inspect that are very prone to damage?
- Will properly prepping & sealing any metal hardware be worth it to preven future rusting?

Any tips or further suggestions will be welcomed.


Reinvent Your Shell!
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Salt and sand have about the same wear and tear effect on metals. Undercoating helps and everything should be maintained on a regular basis anyways. The first winter will bring out the worst in any car. That's usually when you learn what to really look for and prevent for anything in the future.

You can always sand down any visible rust on parts with 80 grit.
Anti-seize grease every bolt possible.
Washing it off as soon as possible is helpful.
