So I'm new to owning a car and need some help with my fuel gauge


New Member
Hi there. So this is my first car and I'm happy to be owning it. BUT I recently had a problem filling up the tank... It totally over flowed and spilled out of my car. It was really stupid. Anyways I have noticed that my fuel gauge hasn't moved from the over full line. It was working fine before this accident. My dad thinks my sending unit is gone, or my floating thingy is stuck.

Any advice?

Thank-you =)


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How far have you driven? I can go 100 miles before mine starts to move sometimes. It definitely moves faster from 1/2 to empty than full to 1/2.

I guarantee you spilling some out of the the fill tube had nothing to do with the float.

If you are determined that it is the float/sender, take the fuel pump out of the tank and check the values on a multimeter when full and empty (move the float up and down and check the readings). If it is bad there will be no readings or readings will be out of spec.

Better yet, take it to a mechanic.

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#1 wrecker builder
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^^^^ exactly...put some miles on it and keep tabs on how many miles. if you overflowed the filler neck, itll be a bit before the float is able to drop down and give you a reading


New Member
We'll I haven't driven far. I just zeroed out my odometer. I haven't driven far on this tank at all, my work is only 0015 to and from work. My stable is around 0050. I did fill up about a week ago, I've never had a problem with the fuel gauge.



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10+ Year Member many miles have you gone?
