sound proofing


New Member
me and my friend are going to remove his sound proofing from his rx7 fb and i was wondering if anyone had any tips to make it move along nice and easy. i've heard that dry ice works good to help a bit, but idk if thats a rumor


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5+ Year Member
It works. Saw it on Super Street magazine.


New Member
lots of dry ice i used about 40 lbs altogether of dry ice for my ed6 you have to move quickly and one area at a time and it pops off just a lil chisel and hammer and a wire wheel to clean it all up under the tar


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10+ Year Member
If you do it right, the only tool you'll need is a plastic putty spreader, like you use on drywall. As for cleanup, I don't remember the brand, but I used bug and tar remover. I think I got it at walmart, and I used 2 cans, it was enough to do my entire hatch.

The key to using dry ice is to smash it up pretty good, but not too much.

If I need to elaborate more, just let me know =)

Good luck, and don't burn yourself ;)

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