Speedo Help?????????????????????????????


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i just bought a 93 hatch and i was wondering the motor has been replaced before just stock but my question is when im driving my speedo doesent work it stays on 0 but when i feel as if im around 55 to 60 mph the speedo shoots farther down and goes counter clockwise to 100 and stops Now im pretty smart when it comes to fixing cars but im asking everyone because i dont know if this may be a commen problem or not so i thought id get a heads up before i dove in


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the speedo? lol.....


mmmmmm ta ta's
5+ Year Member
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when i put my indiglo gauges in i think my speedometer got messed, it doesnt go up till i reach like 10 but im not sure if thats normal but after that the speddo is exact. sorry cant help you on your extremely messed speedo. :slap:

Bangin' HB

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sounds like the symptoms of a bad VSS (vehicle speed sensor) its located on top the tranny
