Spray Paint


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So someone decided to spray paint the trunk of my civic. When I saw it I instantly took out the hose and a rag. It was in the dark so I thought it was gone. Two days later, I can still see the red paint on my trunk. They only sprayed three letters on my trunk "CPN". Does this mean anything?? haha. Anyways i was wondering what product to use to take it off, or just get a new trunk??


D-Series Soldier
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So someone decided to spray paint the trunk of my civic. When I saw it I instantly took out the hose and a rag. It was in the dark so I thought it was gone. Two days later, I can still see the red paint on my trunk. They only sprayed three letters on my trunk "CPN". Does this mean anything?? haha. Anyways i was wondering what product to use to take it off, or just get a new trunk??
f**king stupid people always messing with someone else's car, you could repaint your trunk or just get a carbon fiber one...


Ex-Gang Member
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moved to the correct location! Next time post in it! :lol:

but yeah.... that sucks :thumbdown


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5+ Year Member
CPN.....local gang maybe.....idk prolly just some punk ass kid spraying his initials
