SRS codes


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5+ Year Member
Have a 95 coupe the SRS light has been on since I bought it. The heater core was replaced so i'm assuming when they had the dash out they disconnected the air bags. I did a home test myself bout a year back pulled the codes as 1-1 and 2-1 which is an open in the inflator. Just pulled apart most of the dash and found the passenger was never plugged back in but the drivers side seems to be legit. Took a paper clip and tested for the SRS flash again, still pulled 2-1 and 1-1. Anyone have any suggestions on what it might be, and or how to reset the code myself.


Yay, Another Car.
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
check all the plugs. thre is one on the bottom side of the steering wheel. one under a plastic cover in the glove box area. one on the under dash fuse box. and one under the driver seat.

jdm sol

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5+ Year Member
My SRS light came on so i brought it to honda to fix, they said it "tripped" itself and they reset it..only problem it costed me $40 bucks to find that out..better safe than sorry i guess..anyways the SRS light came back on so i brought it back and they said it tripped itself yet again, i was just like forget it and its been on ever since. honda might reset it for free, they did the second time for me.


Yay, Another Car.
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
why bother? you can do it yourself with a paperclip in 30 seconds.


New Member
5+ Year Member
Anyone have any ideas. I disconnected all the plugs and the battery waited over an hour and connected everything again. Then tried to reset the code as I was told most Honda dealerships do, still trips the code 1-1 2-1 anyone help, or should I just suck it up and go to the dealership....
