Start up problem

Kelton 92

Killer Klown Kelton
I sometimes have problems when starting my car. i'll go to start it up and it'll start up but it puts and shuts right off. then i'll try to start it back up, and sometimes it starts up and runs normal, but other times it puts and turns right back off again. what could it be? if you have an idea let me know please.


captin sleep0
Registered VIP
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10+ Year Member
fuel delivery problem
any CEL?


Hearts my SOHC
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
got me by 40 mins. Nice Job. You have a fuel problem or a spark problem. If no cell more than likely when was the last time you changed the Fuel Filter?


New Member
i vote thats it a tiny unicorn shitting glitter dust in your fuel tank

Kelton 92

Killer Klown Kelton
i changed my filter the beginning of this month. should i try getting new plugs and wires?
