Starting problems


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My 93 ex has intermediate starting problems. Runs fine but every once and a while when I turn the car off and come back in a few minutes the car wont start. There is no flooding because i dont smell gas. But it is weird because i will wait for about 45-60 sec and it will start right up. I have a feeling it is something to do with my fuel relay. I have a friend and her 92 Lx does the same thing. I am wondering if this is a common problem and how to fix it. THANX!!:D

Bangin' HB

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it happens sometimes when the relays get hot. hasnt happened to me in a while(knock on wood), but on the rare occasions it did, i would pop the hood, then pop off the cover for the relays by the battery and let some air circulate there for a few sec. then it would usually start right up.

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yes that is most likely the mein fuel relay, that good though becuase you can change this yourself easly, but it's going to cost you about 60.00, and the only palce you can probably get it is from a honda dealership.
