yeah i parted it out, the doors are worse than you see.
clifford, the junkyard isnt crushing it til tom
long grain, thanks didnt get my pm? my buddy (somehow) broke his on his si so i just sold it to him. sorry i figured you got the pm i sent a while back
king bob - actually the thing was in my garage the whole time so they never even saw it more than likely until today haha. but its good bc i can finally park in my garage and do everything in there. SCORE! profit wise, came out to be about $600 more than what i payed for it, learning wise i learned ALOT from tearing down a car like that, its harder than you think and i had never touched some of those things before so it was definatly worth it - even money aside >`
the guy driving the rollback got out and the first thing he said was " you got all of that one huh" it made me laugh, i said "yeah, enough"