steering wheel off


New Member
i am wanting to buy a aftermarket steering wheel but first i want to see why my steering wheel is off. Going straight it prolly at the 10 o clock position. But when going straight it goes straight but does veer off to the left a little bit but i live on a gravel rd so alighnment wont be perfect. Will the tie rods be affecting this? How do i check to see if they are?


Registered VIP
Try removing your front tires and grab the tie rod end on each side and try to move it a little. If it's too loose then that'll be part of the problem. It will move from side to side very easily if it is messed up and will need to be replaced. When you replace the tie rod end, make sure to replace the outer and inner tie rod ends so that you know that you have a clean starting grid to finding your alignment problem. After replacing your tie rod ends, get an alignment to make sure they are adjusted accordingly.

Make sure that when you put on your aftermarket steering wheel, you tighten the nut correctly and that you have your adapter on straight, or else your wheel will sit crooked.

Good luck!


New Member
i was thinking it was the tie rods but right now im 90 percent sure its not bc i just had an inspection done and here in mo tie rods are inspected if failed bc of them i would have to replace. I wont know till i look at in the morning. if not the tie rods is it just the alignment? I know the last time i had it alligned was at my highschool so a bunch of highschool students didnt put steering wheel staright before doing allignment. But as of right now ill check the tie rods. Thanks for the help.


New Member
well i found the problem. Its a combo between 2 different things. One the toe is way off and second one of the tie rods are bad so im just gonna order new ones.


Registered VIP
That's good that you found your problem. I still need to go get my tie rods checked out just to make sure they are for sure giving out.


New Member
well see the thing is one is giving out so instead of replacing one i can get a deal on replacing all. I know how to do the work so 40 dollars and its done . The chasis of the car has 350k and they are the original rods at least the inner bc the back clamp on the bellow boots are still there and those are non replacable.
