Strange wiring in '92 si p28 ecu??


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Okay, first my car died yesterday, took to shop and pretty sure the ecu is fried. So removed it and found this weirdness.

It appears that someone removed a capacitor and replaced it with all this jumpering, two fuses, and a different capacitor.

Anyone have any ideas on what the purpose of all this is???

Here is shot of the top

Here is a shot of the bottom



Stickin it to the Man
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beats me but that is terrible, absolutely horrid workmanship. i would just get a new p28 if i were you


New Member
5+ Year Member
beats me but that is terrible, absolutely horrid workmanship. i would just get a new p28 if i were you
Way ahead of you, I will have a used ecu in an hour and will see if the car starts then. I just had to share what some idiot had done to this unit. Though it did work for a while, I have had the car for about a year and no problems till now.


captin sleep0
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wow... amazing it ran. perhaps it was for an alarm???


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I dont see how using things that look like paper clips and electric tape wuld work for an alarm


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5+ Year Member
The car started right up when I hooked up the used ecu I found. But now I have an idle fluctuation that I am thinking is also tied into the whole electrical shorting that happened. When the old ecu failed it also fried my stereo. Not a good day for me.
