By size of wire I mean what guage of wire is it. Another thing is 10" subs hit high bass and not so much low or deep bass. Is the MTX sub a 9500 series? Now the most important thing with a system is your box. The box will make a world of difference. You need to check your paperwork on your sub and see what the recommened air space for a sub enclosure is. I build allways build my own boxes. Boxes bought from a manufacturer is not made for your sub, they are just made for looks or money. Your MTX book shoud tell you the dimensions of a sealed box and a jetted or ported box. It will also tell you the cubic feet of air space it needs if you want to build a custom box that isn't a perfect square. By my guess is it is your box. I guarentee with the recommened box dimensions and air space it will make a huge difference. Hope this helps let me know.