Supercharger question


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I've seen that on the new IS350 there is a twin supercharger kit from blitz that has been made. If you want to see some pics go (click here) blitz twin charger kit . Well I'll get to the point, does any one know how do twin supercharges work? thank you for the help in advanced


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tony_montana81 said:
I've seen that on the new IS350 there is a twin supercharger kit from blitz that has been made. If you want to see some pics go (click here) blitz twin charger kit . Well I'll get to the point, does any one know how do twin supercharges work? thank you for the help in advanced
well, if they are centrifugal superchargers (ones that look like turbos, except they have a pully on the front) u just have to mount them on either side of the motor, and run a belt(s) to them. then rout the piping to and from the chargers... not as easy as it sounds, but not all that complex.
