Supercharging a Civic


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I plan on buying a 99-00 Civic and I am looking into supercharging it and dose anyone have some good feedback on this subject. I only know of 3 brands JRSC, Vortech, and ATI. I do plan on building the engine and boosting to 14-16 psi.


96 DX Hatch

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if i ever see this one navy guy aroud here i could ask him about his jackson racing s/c'd si

but last time i talked to him he sounded happy with it


the hippy tuner
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im just kinda throwin this out, but is it possible to turbo charge and super charge a 4 banger like a civic... and if it is can it be some what reliable (like it will last more than the ride home)


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u can turbo and supercharge
but in the real world its just pointless unless u wanna be unique


That was a good link about TC & SC handlebarsfsr. I always knew that TC was better. It cant be good constantly putting the engine under more stress with SC. I've heard both sides to SC, good & bad. A few guys say they've had no problems & it gives them good power. I knew a guy in NY that SC a Civic & he told me it didnt do too much for him. Maybe he didnt do it right. IDK. I also came across an article last year where this one guy was having weekly problems with his SC. I say turbo it up! That's my plan for next year =)

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civicracer_x said:
im just kinda throwin this out, but is it possible to turbo charge and super charge a 4 banger like a civic... and if it is can it be some what reliable (like it will last more than the ride home)
This is possible but insanely impractical. There was some car back in the 70s or 80s that used this, but I don't think there has been one ever since. Go buy the latest issue of Turbo and High Tech Performance magazine. They are turbo charging and supercharging the v6 out of an MR2.


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Man I'm set on a JRSC here on Guam at the local drag strip a CRX with I/H/E and the JRSC B16 6-8psi ran a 13.06 et @102mph his best was a 12.9 @106 on slicks. I plan on doin a built B20vtec with the JRSC 10-12psi what do you all think engine will be in a Hatch or Coupe


professional a*****e
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b20vtec is not worth the trouble....just stroke and/or bore a gsr motor....


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HMMM....well I'm still reseaching on what to do this is gonna be my first Honda project also how much can you stroke or bore(can you both) the 1.8liter B18C1 would a 2.2 be too much.


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Why would you want to supercharge a 4 banger? Not somethin I would do my opinion. I'm not hatin' don't misunderstand. If you want to supercharge the motor I've heard that vortech and the jackson superchargers are good.


professional a*****e
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honda motors dont have the tq that it takes to fully utilize a sc.


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Don't supercharge. On the amount of money you would be spending on a supercharger and the b20 motor and all that was needed to do the swap you could put in a k motor for a little bit more and get nice power from it. Especially the rsxs motor. Do the rsxs head on I believe its the crv k block and you get a butt stompin naturally aspirated motor. Now thats being unique.


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Superchargers blow you will be super disapointed with the out come of it. There sa guy on here with the jrsc tuned with hondata i/h/e IM ran a 14.7 thats bullshit with that money on a turbo thats an easy 13 sec car. Go turbo here check it out.


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Well I not trying to hit 11's in the 1/4 just want something for everyday driving abd the JRSC will give me more than that. My plan is to build a B18C1 bore out to be a 2+ liter and run the JRSC @ 10/12 psi +50shot. That will get me in the low 13's maybe 12's.


My Names kool.
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why not just buy an H22 and then super charge it o_O


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671 said:
Well I not trying to hit 11's in the 1/4 just want something for everyday driving abd the JRSC will give me more than that. My plan is to build a B18C1 bore out to be a 2+ liter and run the JRSC @ 10/12 psi +50shot. That will get me in the low 13's maybe 12's.
Why not just click on that site i put up and realize with that turbo kit and tuneing alone you will be in the 13's no need for nitrous or a bore.
