suspension help...


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My passenger side is sitting about an inch and a half higher then the drivers side. I took it a couple places but they were afraid to lift it b/c of the side skirts. It has stock springs on it. I was jacking it up and heard a pop sound, then i lowered the car and it was all jacked up on the one side. I was wondering if I took the sway bar off, maybe it was bent. Would that cause it. They said the springs were fine. What should I do???
Please help...


MiLaNo Si
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oh dizzamn, thats my exact prob, but i have aftermarket suspension kits, my passenger side is about an inch higher than driver side, not sure where i can take for ppl to fix it tho


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I have the same damn problem... Exact way. The passenger side is about an inch higher than the driver. I just thought my stock suspension was jacked but didn't think much of it since I'll be getting it replaced soon.... Strange


OG スバリスト
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wtf is going on?!?!?


The East Coast Kid
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what kinda springs you got, if they are cheapies it could be major uneven sag. happened to my friend with some Neuspeed springs. as for the guy with stock springs...ow, sounds bad.


MiLaNo Si
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i eibach and kyb suspension, so hola, but still i dunno why its uneven gotta get it checked


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what, if anything did you do that made it change? just jack up the car? did u install anyhting in that time, or was it just jack up, hear noise, jack down, see the problem? just need more details on what exactly happened.

i suppose its possible that something could have broken, but it seems kinda unlikely to me. check out your suspension, if there is thta much of a problem from side to side, you should definately be able to see what is different.


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yeah.... I just noticed it about a month ago. Nothing changed in the way it handled or anything. I looked underneath and really I can't seem to find a problem. I figured with my new suspension on soon it wouldn't be a problem any longer, but vi3tboi said his is doing it with an aftermarket susp. So I'm going to research it a little more. See if I can find something...anything different.


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my car does that too but it has gotten a lil better my right side was about an inch higher then the driver side but now its about 1/2 inch .i have no idea


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You would feel it if it was the shocks, did you jack up the passenger or driver side when you heard the pop? It might be your spring became uncompressed (bad). I would expect however you would feel a difference in the suspension. Take a ruler to the top of your all four tires and right down the distnace from the tire to the top of the fender and see if there is a difference there.
