Suspension kit advice 97 dx


New Member
Okay, still pretty new to aftermarkets, but I need some advice from the wiser/experienced crowd.

I have a 97 Civic DX, and would like to upgrade the suspension. I want better street handling, and doubt I will need a racing kit.

Problem is, I am in the Army over here in Germany, and cannot lower the car below 4 inches, or I dont get approved on the safety inspection.

What is a good sport system that wont lower me too much, but increase my handling?



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5+ Year Member
What do you mean by 4in? Is that 4in lower than stock ride height or 4in of ground clearance?

Read this link to get some more info on what's our there and get some basic knowledge on suspension parts.

Need to elaborate more on your situation and also set yourself a budget for us to help guide you.


New Member
DOD regulations for safety inspections cars belonging to Service Members in USAREUR, there can be no less than 11 cm distance between the ground and lowest point on the vehicle. And that is ANY point on the vehicle, not the frame.

My situation is that it is my commuter, but I am over here on the Autobahn and REALLY tired of getting passed by station wagons. Typical speeds on the Autobahn are around 80-90 MPH.

I have the originaI suspension, and can see where salted roads and wear ar starting to take their toll. I would like to stay in the 600 - 800 range for cost.


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5+ Year Member
If that's the case, you can actually go fairly low and still pass your inspection. Anywhere around a 1.5" drop all around will still give you plenty of room to pass your inspection. Most lowering springs at that height will still have a noticeable drop but will ride relatively smooth, just a tad more sporty.

Now what's your budget? Lowering can cost anywhere from $175 and up to the thousands easily. Budget will narrow your search greatly.
