Suspension Question


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Alright I got a question that I havent really been able to get a direct answer to. The Tein S-Tech Loweing Springs dont specify which springs are for the front and which are for the back. I know this sounds like a really stupid ass question but some people say the big springs go in front and others say the small springs go in front. Can anyone say for sure whcih springs go where? Thanks


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like i said in the other thread, i just got s techs and they do specify which go in the front and which go in the back. the shorter ones went in the back. also u could tell cause the rear ones had one of the ends flat, as opposed to round.


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x007den said:
like i said in the other thread, i just got s techs and they do specify which go in the front and which go in the back. the shorter ones went in the back. also u could tell cause the rear ones had one of the ends flat, as opposed to round.
sorry i dont see an F or R on either :???:


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if the f+r have different spring rates you should be able to tell by pushing on them. also on most applications the taller ones go in the front because of the engine weight.


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yea bigger ones go in front since they support alot more weight, from the engine of course...


Set This World On Blaze!!
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your question got answered someone close this thread......*i wish i could do this kind of job*.
