Swapping the radio!?!?!?!


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ok i heard this from the dealer that i bought the car from, and was just wonderin if it was true or not. He said that the wireing in a civic attatches the anti theft system in the sterio with the keyless entry system, and if you swap the radio with an aftermarket you will lose the keyless entry feture. has anyone come across this problem or is it just a bunch of BS??

oh and also I have installed an ALPINE security system, so with that system installed will i still lose the keyless ability if I swap out the radio??


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bunch of bs, you should go back to the dealer and slap that guy for telling you that bs.


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It's not 100% BS.

If you have a remote control keyless entry that was included as standard equipment then its wired to the radio. Taking that wire out will loose the keyless function.

But if you want a new radio WITH the keyless working together then you need to wire the old Honda radio with the new one. Just purchase two things:

1. Honda wire harness adapter
2. Honda reverse wire harness adapter

That's it.. just plug, no cutting involved.


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i had my deck installed by myself, and i still had the keyless entry working. then later i got a viper alarm installed and my keyless entry still works.


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As far as I know this applies to 96-98 civic's. IDK about 2000's civic's.


#1 in the Atlantic!
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only applies to 96-98. You should be fine


Dentist in the making
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I have a 98 EX Coupe and I bought a CD player of eBay. I have the keyless feature and I don't have $$ to get it installed professionally. I don't even know how to take out this radio! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


say no to rotas
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yup for 96-98 its built into the headunit, 99-00 its a diff unit


I'm NOT eran!
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Originally posted by 786mine
I have a 98 EX Coupe and I bought a CD player of eBay. I have the keyless feature and I don't have $$ to get it installed professionally. I don't even know how to take out this radio! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Here, this should help. http://www.installdr.com :D


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Yup, I have that PDF... it's very detailed. I can't wait till I have my new radio!
