T25 Downpipe


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I'm looking at getting this turbo for my Y7 with Y8 manifold and I'm trying to find a downpipe that will work for it. I see a lot of T3/T4 downpipes with similar patterns like this one but it doesn't look like it will fit. So, where can I get a downpipe for it (I'd rather not custom)? Also is that even a good turbo for me. I'm looking to get 250whp with upping the power when I get some Vitara pistons and some rods.


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its an awesome turbo for decent boost at a low RPM but depending on your redline they dont stay very efficient in high RPM... and i dont think you will find a t-25 downpipe that you will not have to do anything to... i had to have a custom DP made for a t-25 i had on a crx...


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Alright thanks, if that's the case, what's a good turbo that you can get a downpipe already made for? I have a 2.5" testpipe with 2.5" piping the rest of the way if that makes a difference.


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a t3 or t3/t4 both use the same dp and are most common. you can look at any turbo that came in a greddy kit those dp are common also


iTrader EVERYthing
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If your piecing together a kit, your best bet with a downpipe is to go custom.


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greddy turbos are similar to t25 nissan style turbos. fitment wise.
